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Sometimes we come across nifty gadgets for your garage or garage doors. From iPhone apps that open your garage door to homeowners incorporating garage doors into their living spaces to over the top man cave garages. Sometimes the gadgets are necessary, like floor covers that keep your garage floors clean.

But we found this recently, and while there really isn’t any need for them at all, they’re just kind of fun. A company in Germany makes faux garage door art. Known as trompe l’oeil or “deceive the eye”, they are gigantic posters that can be affixed to your garage door (looks like Velcro) mostly to mess with anyone who drives by. They come in 350 styles or you can design your own. And for the homeowner who just can’t compete with his neighbor’s Christmas light display they even make Holiday themed covers.

So if you have too much time and money these could be just the thing for you. Or perhaps you and a cousin have a wacky Christmas or birthday present tradition. If so, you may have just won.

What do you think? Would you have one? I kind of like the jet.

This could be a great option if you find yourself in need of new garage doors. They would cover any imperfections or damage and with three or four you could always keep your homes association guessing. But your better alternative is to call Raynor Garage Doors of Kansas City. We carry garage doors that increase your curb appeal, fit your budget and are safe and dependable. Unfortunately, we do not carry big pictures of elephants.



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